Current release
The content on this page is a snapshot of the main temporal-lobe connectome content up to winter 2018. The content on this page will not be updated anymore, but provides access to the resources that we made available through several publications.
Cite our work
Resources to cite
If you use the tools on this website for your work, you should cite our publications:
Van Strien NM, Cappaert NL, Witter MP.The anatomy of memory: an interactive overview of the parahippocampal-hippocampal network. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009 Apr;10(4):272-82 (read here; cited by: pubmed | crossref | scopus);
Sugar J, Witter MP, van Strien NM and Cappaert NLM (2011) The retrosplenial cortex: intrinsic connectivity and connections with the (para)hippocampal region in the rat. An interactive connectome. Front. Neuroinform. 5:7.;
The Rat Nervous System, IVth edition, Chapter 20 - Hippocampal Formation, Pages 511-573, Natalie L.M. Cappaert, Niels M. van Strien, Menno P. Witter;
- (2022). doi: 10.21942/uva.19786213.v1 Natalie L.M. Cappaert, Niels M. van Strien
Other paper(s) that we created using the connectome:
F.Z.M. Binicewicz, N.M. van Strien, W.J. Wadman, M.P. van den Heuvel, N.L.M. Cappaert (2015) Graph analysis of the anatomical network organization of the hippocampal formation and parahippocampal region in the rat.
Brain Structure Function
Brain connectivity table
Use this interactive table to find brain connections between an Injection and Projection Site. Make sure that you understand the concepts of afferent and efferent connections when using this data. Clicking on the publication title will open the title in Pubmed in a new browser window.
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Search for articles the way we do
Searching for articles can be time-consuming. Here, we publish the PubMed and EMBASE query that we used to retrieve the anatomical papers used in our publication:
- Sugar J, Witter MP, van Strien NM and Cappaert NLM (2011) The retrosplenial cortex: intrinsic connectivity and connections with the (para)hippocampal region in the rat. An interactive connectome. Front. Neuroinform. 5:7.
Note that (Elsevier) requires a subscription. An additional strategy we use for finding papers is backtracking the literature list of key publications. This is not an automatic feature of PubMed or Embase, so we perform this manually. These queries were developed by Ingrid Riphagen.
(Gyrus cinguli[mh] OR retrosplenial[tiab] OR cingulate[tiab] OR cingular[tiab] OR cinguli[tiab] OR area-29[tiab] OR area-29a[tiab] OR area-29b[tiab] OR area-29c[tiab] OR area-29d[tiab] OR area-30[tiab] OR Rdg[tiab] OR Rga[tiab] OR Rgb[tiab] OR RSGγ[tiab] OR RSGgamma[tiab] OR RSG-gamma[tiab] OR RSGα[tiab] OR RSGalpha[tiab] OR RSG-alpha[tiab] OR RsG[tiab] OR RsGβ[tiab] OR RSGbeta[tiab] OR RSG-beta[tiab] OR RsAg[tiab] OR RSv-a[tiab] OR RSv-b[tiab] OR RSd[tiab]) AND (Hippocampus[mh] OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus"[mh] OR hippocamp*[tiab] OR "dentate gyrus"[tiab] OR "gyrus dentatus"[tiab] OR parahippocamp*[tiab] OR hilus[tiab] OR "cornu ammonis"[tiab] OR "Ammons Horn"[tiab] OR "Ammon horn"[tiab] OR subicul*[tiab] OR presubicul*[tiab] OR parasubicul*[tiab] OR prosubicul*[tiab] OR postsubicul*[tiab] OR "perirhinal cortex"[tiab] OR "postrhinal cortex"[tiab] OR area-35[tiab] OR ectorhinal[tiab] OR area-36[tiab] OR area-28[tiab] OR area-28a[tiab] OR area-28b[tiab] OR entorhinal[tiab] OR DG[tiab] OR CA1[tiab] OR CA3[tiab] OR POR[tiab] OR MEA[tiab] OR MEC[tiab] OR LEA[tiab] OR LEC[tiab]) AND (Neural pathways[mh] OR "Anatomy and Histology"[sh] OR project*[tiab] OR connect*[tiab] OR tracer*[tiab] OR tracing[tiab] OR anterograd*[tiab] OR retrograd*[tiab] OR afferent*[tiab] OR efferent*[tiab] OR histology[tiab] OR ultrastructur*[tiab] OR "electron microscopy"[tiab] OR EM[tiab] OR "intracellular labelling"[tiab] OR leasion*[tiab] OR lesion*[tiab] OR termination*[tiab] OR cytoarchitectur*[tiab] OR hodology[tiab] OR pathway*[tiab] OR (fiber*[tiab] AND distribut*[tiab]) OR (fibre*[tiab] AND distribut*[tiab])) AND (Rats[mh] OR rat[tiab] OR rats[tiab])
('Cingulate gyrus'/exp OR (retrosplenial:ti,ab AND (cortex:ti,ab OR cortices:ti,ab OR area:ti,ab OR region:ti,ab OR layer*:ti,ab)) OR ((cingulate:ti,ab OR cingular:ti,ab OR cinguli:ti,ab) AND (gyrus:ti,ab OR gyri:ti,ab OR cortex:ti,ab OR cortices:ti,ab OR area:ti,ab OR region:ti,ab OR layer*:ti,ab)) OR 'area 29':ti,ab OR 'area 29a':ti,ab OR 'area 29b':ti,ab OR 'area 29c':ti,ab OR 'area 29d':ti,ab OR 'area 30':ti,ab OR rdg:ti,ab OR rga:ti,ab OR rgb:ti,ab OR rsgγ:ti,ab OR rsggamma:ti,ab OR 'rsg gamma':ti,ab OR rsgα:ti,ab OR rsgalpha:ti,ab OR 'rsg alpha':ti,ab OR rsg:ti,ab OR rsgβ:ti,ab OR rsgbeta:ti,ab OR 'rsg beta':ti,ab OR rsgag:ti,ab OR 'rsv a':ti,ab OR 'rsv b':ti,ab OR rsd:ti,ab) AND (Hippocampus/exp OR Subiculum/exp OR hippocamp*:ti,ab OR 'dentate gyrus':ti,ab OR 'gyrus dentatus':ti,ab OR parahippocamp*:ti,ab OR hilus:ti,ab OR 'cornu ammonis':ti,ab OR 'ammons horn':ti,ab OR 'ammon horn':ti,ab OR subicul*:ti,ab OR presubicul*:ti,ab OR parasubicul*:ti,ab OR prosubicul*:ti,ab OR postsubicul*:ti,ab OR 'perirhinal cortex':ti,ab OR 'postrhinal cortex':ti,ab OR 'area 35':ti,ab OR ectorhinal:ti,ab OR 'area 36':ti,ab OR 'area 28':ti,ab OR 'area 28a':ti,ab OR 'area 28b':ti,ab OR entorhinal:ti,ab OR dg:ti,ab OR ca1:ti,ab OR ca3:ti,ab OR por:ti,ab OR mea:ti,ab OR mec:ti,ab OR lea:ti,ab OR lec:ti,ab) AND ('Nerve projection'/exp OR project*:ti,ab OR connect*:ti,ab OR tracer*:ti,ab OR tracing:ti,ab OR anterograd*:ti,ab OR retrograd*:ti,ab OR afferent*:ti,ab OR efferent*:ti,ab OR histology:ti,ab OR ultrastructur*:ti,ab OR 'Electron microscopy'/exp OR 'electron microscopy':ti,ab OR em:ti,ab OR 'intracellular labelling':ti,ab OR leasion*:ti,ab OR lesion*:ti,ab OR termination*:ti,ab OR cytoarchitectur*:ti,ab OR hodology:ti,ab OR pathway*:ti,ab OR fiber*:ti,ab OR distribut*:ti,ab OR fibre*:ti,ab OR distribut*:ti,ab) AND (rat/exp OR rat:ti,ab OR rats:ti,ab)
Graph analysis
Table resource
Connection matrix for graph analysis
Using the download below, it is possible to carry out a graph analysis with the connectome data. See our publication: "Graph analysis of the anatomical network organization of the hippocampal formation and parahippocampal region in the rat." in Brain Structure Function.
Interactive PDF diagram
PDF resource
Visual brain connectivity map
Here you can download the latest version of the interactive rat brain connectome. The interactive features in this pdf document will only work with a free copy of Acrobat reader. Acrobat Reader prior to version 6 does not support layers, therefore it cannot display the diagram properly. When opening the diagram, a warning message will be displayed if you are using an Acrobat Reader prior to version 9.
SFN Poster
PDF resource
SFN 2023 Poster
Here you can download our SFN 2023 poster. In case you have questions, please use the contact form to get in touch.
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